3 years ago I posted my first recipe. Since then I wrote 350 posts, gained 300 followers and more than 230 000 visits. Great milestone, as I didn't think I would last so long. For that occasion, I made a beautifully moist and gluten free cake. Cheers!
7-8 small apples, peeled and cored (left whole)
5 eggs
200 g sugar
120 g butter, melted
150 gr walnuts (or other nuts), grounded
40 g cocoa
1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 170*C. Prepare a 22 cm spring form, line with baking paper.
Beat sugar and eggs, until light and fluffy. Add melted butter, walnuts and cocoa. Fold in.
Place apples inside of spring form close to the edge (but not touching them). Pour prepared mixture, making sure that wholes on apples are filled too. Bake for 45-50 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Cool slightly, then turn over onto serving plate, take the paper off, slice and serve with cream (optional)
Jabuke u ÄŒokoladnom kolaÄu
Na danasnji dan, prije 3 godine je krenuo moj prvi post. Od tada sam napisala 350 postova, dobila 300 sljedbenika i vise od 230 000 posjetilaca. Nije lose, obzirom da nisam mislila da cu trajati tako dugo. Za tu priliku evo jednog socnog kolaca bez glutena. U zdravlje!
7-8 manjih jabuka, oguljene i izvadjena sredina (ostavite ih cijele)
5 jaja
200 gr secera
120 gr maslaca, otopljenog
150 gr oraha (ili drugih orasastih plodova), samljevenih
40 gr kakaa
1 k vanile
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite obruc za torte i postavite pepir za pecenje na njega.
Miksajte secr sa jajima, dok ne uspjeni. Dodajte maslac, orahe i kakao. Rucno umijesajte.
Postavite jabuke na pleh u krug, ali da ne dodiruju ivice obruca. Uspite pjenasu smjesu, pazeci da i supljine u jabukama ispunite. Pecite oko 45-50 min, ili dok ubodenu cackalicu ne izvucete sasvim suhu. Prohladite, izvrnite naopako na tanjir za serviranje, skinite papir i izrezite. Servirajte sa tucenim vrhnjem (po zelji)
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