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[Healthy eating] Vlog 2: February Haul - Hey guys!
So I thought as we are nearing the end of february it's only right I do a haul video!
Now I know I forgot to feature one or two things but this may not seem like much compared to some vloggers hauls and to some people it may be quite a bit. But I make a good wage but I do have a lot coming out each month so I don't get heaps left over for shopping sadly!!
So the products I featured are: ASOS Jumper - Lady and the Tramp, £30 New Look Boots £20 ( on sale) Rimmel Apocalips - Galaxy and Across the Universe ( 2 for £9 in superdrug) MAC eyeshadows - Mystery and Cranberry ( £10 each) Urban Decay - Naked 3 Palette H & M skirt MAC Brush Cleanser £10 Lush shampoo bar - New ( £8.50ish... for pot and bar) Bumble and Bumble - Super rich conditioner(£5.95) and defrizz ( £12.50) L'oreal - super liner. (£ 9) Maybeline BABY LIPS! - Intensive care & Cherry ( Around £3 each)
So that's everything!! What have you guys been buying this month? Ciao x

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