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Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven

Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven - Today is the final day of Franny's Gothidays 2012. The insomniac has so enjoyed reading about all the participant's holiday traditions around the world, which also provided a welcome respite this past week from the cleaning, baking and decorating preparations for the Annual Christmas Potluck last night. It's always wonderful to see all our neighbours, old and new, and catch up with everyone - our little tradition that has been happening for roughly ten years now and one we hope to continue for many years to come.

Gothidays also inspired a closer look at one's own holiday rituals: a few of the less satisfying to be eliminated or given diminished importance next year, to allow time for the more meaningful ones. One ritual that will remain unchanged is the vast quantities of food, which proved to be enough enticement to lure not one but both offspring to the Potluck last night. And thanks to the European participants in Gothidays, a brand new addition to the insomniac's holiday celebrations - Glögg. Cheers, everyone!

Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven
Last minute centerpiece ...

Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven
The new hot mats looked nice ...

Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven
Woodland Forest Display ...

Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven
A bit of the Reindeer Collection ...

Theme Post: Gothidays Day Seven
We believe, Rudolph.
We believe.

Until next time, the insomniac wishes you nights of blissful sleep filled with pleasant dreams. As for the insomniac... pretty much ate herself into a stupor last night and will now be retiring to the couch. Goodnight, my pretties.


other source :,,

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