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[Cocoa Powder 可可粉] Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

A blessed and Happy New Year 2015 to all my readers and followers, have a great year ahead and thanks for being part of my baking journey in 2014!

Today is the first day of a new school term. I am so glad that my kids are back to school after a 6-week break. I got my peaceful morning back whereby I can go about my daily chores without any disturbances. ;)

Here's sharing a delicious Jam doughnut muffin recipe which I had bookmarked when I saw it at the Bake Along event organised by my blogger friends, Joyce, Lena and Zoe last November. I had wanted to join in the bake-along event but was too busy to do so.

I finally got to try it last week and it was all gone within minutes! Yes, it is so yummilicious that you can't stop at one and before you knew it, it's finished and I had no chance to take a photo to show you how it looks inside. Trust me, you would love this simple recipe, try it this weekend!

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin

Ingredients: (makes 12 muffins or 24 mini ones)

For making the doughnut muffins:
125ml fresh milk
80ml corn oil
1 large egg (I used 60g)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
165g self-raising flour
60g caster sugar
12 tsp fruit jam (I used Fruits of the Forest Jam)

For coating the doughnut muffins:
50g melted butter
100g caster sugar

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

125毫升 鲜牛奶
80毫升 粟米油
1ç²’ 大鸡蛋 (我用60å…‹)
1/2 茶匙 香草精
165克 自发面粉
60å…‹ ç»†ç ‚ç³–
12小茶匙 果酱

50克 融化牛油
100å…‹ ç»†ç ‚ç³–

Baking pan recommended - 24 cups mini muffin pan

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

Methods 方法:

1. Preheat the oven to 190 degree Celcius. Grease the muffin pan well.
1. 烤箱预热至190摄氏度。松饼烤盘涂上油以防粘黏。

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

2. Using a hand whisk, beat together the fresh milk, oil, egg and vanilla extract. Add the flour and 60g sugar in, mix till combined. The lumps doesn't matter, over beating or mixing will cause the muffin to be tough.
2. 用手搅拌器把牛奶,æ²¹,鸡蛋及香草精拌均。åŠ å…¥è‡ªå‘é¢ç²‰å’Œ60å…‹ç³–, 继续搅拌直到混合。面糊如有块状,没关系。å› ä¸ºå¦‚æžœæ…æ‹Œè¿‡åº¦ä¼šå¯¼è‡´æ¾é¥¼çš„è´¨æ„Ÿå¤ªç¡¬。 

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

3. Spoon the mixture into each muffin hole so that it is under 1/3 full. Add 1 teaspoon of fruit jam, then top up with more muffin mix so that the cases are just about full.
3. 将面糊倒进松饼烤盘至三分之一,åŠ å…¥ä¸€å°èŒ¶åŒ™æžœé…±,然后再倒入一些面糊直到九分满。

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

4. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until the tops have puffed up into little toadstools.
4. 放入预热烤箱烤约20分钟或直到表层有一点膨胀,就表示熟了。

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)
My Brandt oven took 17 minutes to bake these.

5. Meanwhile, melt the butter and lay the remaining sugar out in a wide shallow bowl or plate.
5. 将牛油融化,å‰©ä½™çš„ç»†ç ‚ç³–å€’åœ¨å¦ä¸€ä¸ªç¢—æˆ–é˜”ç¢Ÿå­ä¸Š。

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)

6. As soon as the muffins are ready, remove from the pan. Dip them in the butter and roll them in the sugar. Eat warm.
6. 松饼烤好后,取出并沾上牛油。å†æ²¾ç»†ç ‚ç³–å°±å¯äº«ç”¨äº†。记得一定要温热时吃,才好吃。

Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)
Easy Jam Doughnut Muffin 简易果酱甜甜圈松饼 (中英食谱教程)
Do give this recipe a try. If you like it, share the recipe using the social media buttons below. You may also like to subscribe to Baking Taitai's free newsletter so that you will never miss a new recipe post. You’ll get an e-mail in your inbox each time a new post is published. You can also find Baking Taitai on Pinterest , Facebook, Instagram and Youtube for the latest updates.
Thanks for dropping by. See you again!

The cooking temperature as suggested in all my recipes serve as a guideline. Every oven has different thermostat, you may have to adjust the temperature and timing to suit your oven. Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result. 食谱里的烘烤温度和时间只是供参考,每一架烤炉的恒温器都不同,请自己调适。不同品牌的材料有不同的复合材料,所以最终成品有可能稍有不同。

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post here. Thank you.”
编写或翻译食谱需要时间和精力的,请不要复制或将它作为自己的食谱。å¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³åˆ†äº«åœ¨æˆ‘éƒ¨è½æ ¼çš„ä»»ä½•é£Ÿè°±,请提供在这里的相关链接,谢谢。"

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