I remember buying this book last year before I went home to make a perfect beach read. I had been lusting after ' Paris street style' for some time and well....I saw the leopard print next to it and picked up this one instead. ( initially I put it back trying to be good but got mild palpitations in the costa inside that someone else was going to take it and bought it!......mild shopping problem?.... me?) Anyway it was worth it! This book is packed full of tips and tricks; how to style yourself for the day( those daily essentials...) for certain events and even tips on styling your home. It even has tips on how to dress for your yoga class! It's got beauty tips and tips for where to shop, eat, stay and drink if you ever venture to Berlin. The book has got some great photography and illustrations and Angelika has a great writing style - she makes it really feel like she is talking to you! Have you ever read this book? What do you think of it? Ciao x Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)
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