Make Dragon Fruit Juice Recipe - Dragon fruit has a unique flavor compared to other fruits. Why not, this dragon fruit flavors like pear flavors mixed with strawberries. It tastes delicious. Such is the flavor of dragon fruit, because fruit flavors integrated two dragon fruit, then the fruit is sometimes referred to as strawberry pear.
In addition to its unique taste, this dragon fruit recipe also has many benefits for our health, including dragon fruit benefits for pregnant women, besides that there are also benefits for cure cancer, improve blood circulation system, neutralize toxic substances in the body , can boost immunity and much more.
Because many benefits of dragon fruit for health, so it is not wrong if we make this fruit as a friend in the dish. If you do not want and bore to enjoy dragon fruit as usual, you can consume them in the form of juice, yes, dragon fruit juice.
How to Make Dragon Fruit Juice Recipe With Yogurt Actually, it's dragon fruit is easy served as juice. However, to get a sense of pleasure, you need to add Yoghurt. Certainly the taste is good, you definitely can not wait to make it, right! let's see how to mix dragon fruit juice with yogurth.
Prepare the following ingredients
- 2 cups ice cubes that have been shaved.
- 1 fresh dragon fruit.
- 200 milliliter yoghurt (choose flavor according to taste).
- 2 scope of ice cream.
- Peel or cut the dragon fruit has been washed.
- Separate the flesh of the fruit with the skin.
- Insert meat into the blender with the other ingredients, namely yoghurt and ice cubes
- Blend until evenly mixed.
- Pour into a glass.
- Enter one scope of ice cream on top of the dragon fruit juice.
Dosage in this recipe for two glasses of juice. Enjoy the healthy of dragon fruit juice.
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