Benefits of Omega 3 for Pregnant Women - Pregnant women should be aware that they should get adequate nutrition during pregnancy, because during pregnancy, pregnant women not only meet the needs for himself, but also for the fetus. The development of science is always finding out about food that are essential for nutrition of pregnant women, one of which is omega 3. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for the health of pregnant women and the health of the fetus, not only when the pregnancy, but also when breast-feeding mothers.
So, What are benefits of omega 3 fatty acids? Omega 3 beneficial to reduce preeclampsia, a state of depression after giving birth and the possibility of miscarriage. not only that, Omega 3 also serves to increase the milk mothers who are breastfeeding, breast milk contains omega 3.
One source of Omega 3 is fish, the fish stay in cool area, such as tuna, salmon, herring, cod. However, for pregnant women are not recommended to consume fish, because the fish possibility of contaminated with heavy metals, if this happens it will harm the mother and baby. As an alternative, pregnant women can consume omega-3 found in fish oil that have been through the process of extraction to improve the purity and eliminate impurities.
Benefits of Omega 3 for pregnant and lactatingIncrease the immune system
The benefits of omega 3 is to enhance the immune system for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If women lack Omega 3, children can suffer from physical and mental disorders, this happens due to lack of the immune system.
Omega 3 is beneficial for fetal brain development
Omega 3 is very important in the development of the fetal brain. In 1968, Swedish scientist Lars Svennerholm found that DHA (Omega-3) is a saturated fatty acid found in the brain, and this is the raw material making up the brain cells. The author also said that the development of the fetal brain cells is highly dependent on the amount of Omega-3 derived from mother, because the fetus has not been able to convert unsaturated fatty acids in body.
Preventing premature birth
To meet the needs of omega 3, pregnant women and nursing mothers should consume 200 mg of DHA per day. DHA intake was also associated with an increase in the intelligence of children and the development of eye health.
Contribute to visual and baby cognitive intelligence
Pregnant women who took 4 grams of Omega-3 supplements derived from fish or 4 grams of olive oil daily for 20 weeks of pregnancy until the baby is born. Children whose mothers consume Omega-3 supplements have a higher value on eye-hand coordination, speech, talk duration, and number of controlled vocabulary compared with children whose mothers ate Olive Oil.
Professor Susan Prescott one of the researchers mentioned that Omega-3 supplements that taken continuously during pregnancy is not only safe, but also very necessary to maintain the health of infants and mothers in later life.
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