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orange caramel is mocking everything you love

orange caramel is mocking everything you love
I am lesbian for Orange Caramel but what the fuck is this?

Love black people?
Love America?
Love Walt Disney...Walt Fucking Disney?

You do? Then you will not believe this...

Each photo has a hidden meaning that is anti-american...let me break this down for you:

orange caramel is mocking everything you love I love black people (as i'm sure you do too) because of their joyful dancing, singing, and lack of violence...they are as American as Apple Pie.

In Lizzy's pic she's ridiculing and mocking African-Americans? How? Bananas! Yes bananas! Everyone knows when you hold a banana to your ear you are a bonafide racist and making fun of the blacks.

Even during this photoshoot she was heard saying this into her banana (while laughing):
"get yo raggedy ass jive turkey colored ass to the 99 cent sto and buy me som daipers...i don need a man but you betta go buy me them diapers now...negro! get this dun before i beat yo deek with my big lips and watermelon seeds.....oh and pic me up some orange soda at mac donalds on yo way home....niggah!"

So racist Lizzy! Da fuq matter with you gurl? I am disgusted.

Then we have Nana obviously mocking America and 911!?.
orange caramel is mocking everything you love

"America is a piece of shit country where everyone is a fat fuck and eats McDonalds all day long.Fuck New York! 911 was an inside job! Kanye and Beyonce are in the illuminati. Fuck schools...fat people...political correctness...antikpopfangirl...buildings...the internet...
shopping malls....blonde children...Tom Hanks...Dominos Pizza...the beach...Roscoe's Chicken N Waffles...your mother...your aunt...America's Got Talent...The Bachelorette...The View...gynecology....Duck Dynasty." love Raina is mocking Corporations...specifically Disney.

orange caramel is mocking everything you love

"Disney is raping men, women, and children for
their money and ruining the minds of innocent young sexy girls. Fuck disneyland for being too expensive! Fuck Mr. Toad's wild ride! FUCK THE LION KING! FUCK MICKEY HE IS EVIL and Gay....yes they let fagghets into disneyland....fucking gays gonna ruin my christianity! rahhhhhhh disneyyyyyy! fuck corporations and capitalism and western music...movies...and everything else fucking western!"


just something i noticed about the photos....that's 100% TRUE!

orange caramel is mocking everything you love
i feel bad for him in this he hates racism...loves disney....and america

A joke really but you know some assholes out there will say these things and be 100% serious.

If you find a comment like the ones it in the comment section. I wanna read some stupid shit...and prove how predictable some people are.

source :,,

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