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vote for rocky! - Hey friends. I need some help! My parent's pup is entered in a contest to win a lifetime supply of "Greenies" pet treats!! He's in second place, but needs our help to win.

vote for rocky!

You need to be on Facebook to be able to vote. And for some reason the "Greenies" page and app doesn't work on your phone, so you gotta do this at a comptuer. Click HERE to get to their page. Like their page and then vote for "Rocky Rodee" in the Best Vocal Performance category. You are allowed to vote once a day until July 28.
Check out Rocky's video (no idea why its sideways) and listen to my MOM'S Vocal Performance too! HAHAH!!!!
Thanks so much! My family will really appreciate the support.
Ta ta for now!!
vote for rocky!

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