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Perfect Schnitzels every time - Sweet bread

Perfect Schnitzels every time - Rules for successful schnitzels:
1- never make schnitzels with red meat (blood will come out on surface and spoil the schnitzel's look)
2 - fry on medium heat (too high temperature will burn coating and leave meat uncooked)
3 - meat should not be very cold (straight from fridge)
4 - do not overcrowd your pan (cook one or two at time)
5 - drain well on paper towel (with a warmed plate underneath)

4 chicken breast schnitzels (or pork, veal... - meat should be thinly cut)
salt and pepper
2 eggs, beaten
bread crumbs
oil for shallow frying (light olive, peanut or rice bran)
Season each side of your schnitzels. Coat every-one with flour (shake off ), dip into beaten eggs (making sure it's coated well), then coat with bread crumbs. I do all of this with a wooden skewer, but fork can be used. Heat oil in a pan, then fry schnitzels on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Drain on paper towel.


Savršene šnicle svaki put

Pravila kojih se treba pridrzavati:
1 - nikada ih ne pravite sa crvenim mesom (krv ce se pojaviti na povrsini i pokvariti izgled)
2 - przite na srednje jakoj vatri (previsoka temperatura ce izgoriti spoljni dio, meso ce ostati nepeceno)
3 - meso ne bi smjelo biti hladno (direktno iz frizidera)
4 - nemojte prziti previse odjednom (jedna ili dvije snicle u nekoliko mahova)
5 - dobro ocijedite na upijajucem papiru (sa zagrijanim tanjirom ispod)

4 snicle (pileca prsa, svinjetina, teletina...- meso treba biti tanko izrezano)
so i biber
2 jaja, umucenih
krusne mrvice / prezla
Ulje za (plitko) przenje (svijetlo maslinovo ili slicno)
Zacinite snicle prema ukusu. Uvaljajte svaku u brasno (otresite suvisak), umocite u jaja (pazeci da se dobro prekriju), zatim u mrvice. Ja ovo radim sa dugackom cackalicom, ali moze i viljuska.
Zagrijte ulje pa przite oko 2-3 minute svaku stranu. Ocijedite na papiru prije sluzenja.

other source :,,

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