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2NE1- Come Back Home - S.M. Ent - All the lyrics are made up of Korean, Korean order and English translation for Korean learners. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. ( If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics') 2NE1- Come Back Home ( released in Feb, 2014) Verse 1) One two three ë„Œ 나를 ë– ë‚¬ì§€ë§Œ (G18,30) You me left but 어딘가에서 / 너의 숨소리가 ë“¤ë ¤ì™€ somewhere from / yourbreath soundcome into hearing (1 2 3 you left me but I hear your breath from somewhere.) 또 다시/ Four five six again again / Four five six 빨간 눈물이 ë‚´ë ¤ì™€ (G14) red tears come down ( Once again, 4 5 6, red tears fall down.) 나를 안던 / 너의 향기가 그립다 ! (G34,58) me embrace used to / your scent (I) miss ! ( I miss your scent that used to embrace me.) 나를 위한 거라 했던 / 너의 말 (G14,34) me for things (you) say used to / your words ( Your words that you used to say for me, ) 거짓말처럼 / 차갑게 돌아섰던 / 너는 왜? 너는 왜? (G34) like a lie / coldly turn around used to / you why? you why? ( like a lie, you who used to turn around coldly, Why? Why?) You’re gone away Words) ë„Œ: you , ( casual, a short form of 너는 , 너: you 는: topic marker) 나를 : me ( casual, I & object marker) ë– ë‚˜ë‹¤: to leave 어딘가: somewhere 너의: your (casual) 숨소리: breath sound, breath ( 소리: sound) ë“¤ë ¤ì˜¤ë‹¤: to come into hearing 또,다시: again 빨갛다: to be red 눈물: tears ë‚´ë ¤ì˜¤ë‹¤ : to come down 안다: to hug, to embrace 향기: scent 그립다: to miss 위하다 : to be for ê±°: thing(s) 하다: to say, to do 말: words 거짓말: a lie N처럼: like N 차갑게: coldly 돌아서다: to turn around 왜: why ( CHORUS ) Come back home. Can you come back home? 차가운 세상 끝에 / ë‚ ë²„ë¦¬ì§€ ë§ê³ (G14,2,3) Cold world the end at / me abandon don’t and ( Don’t abandon me at the end of the cold world and,) ë‚´ 곁으로 (G40) my side to ( to my side) Come back home. Can you come back home? ëª¨ë“ ì•„í””ì€ / 뒤로 í•´ (G40) all pain / back do ( I push back all the pain.) ì—¬ì „ížˆ 널 ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ ì´ë ‡ê²Œ still you (I) wait like this ( I’m still waiting for you like this.) Now you gotta do what you gotta do COME BACK HOME COME BACK HOME Come baby baby come come baby Come Come baby baby come come 내게 / 돌아와 (G44) me to / come back (Come back to me ) Come baby baby come come baby Come Come baby baby come come Words) 차갑다: to be cold 세상: world 끝: the end ë‚ : me (casual, a short form of 나를 , 나: I 를: object marker) 버리다: to abandon ë‚´ 곁: my side (casual) ëª¨ë“ N : every (all) N ì•„í””: pain ë’¤: back 하다: to do ì—¬ì „ížˆ: still 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를, 너:you 를:object marker) 기다리다: to wait ì´ë ‡ê²Œ: like this 내게: to me (casual) 돌아오다: to come back , to return Verse 2) 아무 대답 없는 니가 / 너무 밉지만 (G6,30) any answer don’t have you /a lot (I) hate but ( I hate you a lot for not answering but,) 가끔은 너도 나를 ê·¸ë¦¬ì›Œí• ê¹Œ? (G47) sometimes you also me miss will? ( Will you miss me sometimes too ?) 너 없는 / 시간 속에 / 갇혀버린 ë‚œ (G6,56,14) you there’s no/ time in / trapped I ( I’m trapped in a time without you.) 앞을 ë³¼ 수가 없어 / 너무 ë‘ë ¤ì›Œ (G1) ahead see can't / so scared ( I can’t see ahead, I’m so scared.) 아직도 못다 í•œ 많은 ë‚ ë“¤ì´ (G14) still unfinished many days ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ê³ ìžˆì„ 것만 같아 (G52,42-3) waiting just I think (I just think many days that are unfinished are still waiting for us ) 너는 어디에 어디에 you where where Too far away Words) 아무 N : any N ( only used in a negative sentence) 대답: answer 없다: not to have 니: you (causal) 너무: a lot, so 밉다: to hate 가끔:sometimes 너: you( casual) N도: also N , 나를: (나: I 를: object marker) 그리워하다: to miss 시간: time ~속에: inside ~ 갇히다: to be trapped ë‚œ : I ( casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I 는 : topic marker) ì•ž: ahead, forward 보다: to see ë‘ë µë‹¤: to be scared 아직도: still 못다 하다: not to finish 많다: to be many( much) ë‚ ë“¤: days ( ë‚ : day 들: plural form ‘s’) 기다리다: to wait ~만: just only ~ ì–´ë””(에): where ( CHORUS ) Come back home. Can you come back home? 차가운 세상 끝에 / ë‚ ë²„ë¦¬ì§€ ë§ê³ (G14,2,3) Cold world the end at / me abandon don’t and ( Don’t abandon me at the end of the cold world and,) ë‚´ 곁으로 (G40) my side to ( to my side) Come back home. Can you come back home? ëª¨ë“ ì•„í””ì€ / 뒤로 í•´ (G40) all pain / back do ( I push back all the pain.) ì—¬ì „ížˆ 널 ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ ì´ë ‡ê²Œ still you (I) wait like this ( I’m still waiting for you like this.) Now you gotta do what you gotta do COME BACK HOME COME BACK HOME Come baby baby come come baby Come Come baby baby come come 내게 / 돌아와 (G44) me to / come back (Come back to me ) Come baby baby come come baby Come Come baby baby come come Come back home. Can you come back home? 차가운 세상 끝에 / ë‚ ë²„ë¦¬ì§€ ë§ê³ (G14,2,3) Cold world the end at / me abandon don’t and ( Don’t abandon me at the end of the cold world and,) ë‚´ 곁으로 (G40) my side to ( to my side) Come back home. Can you come back home? ëª¨ë“ ì•„í””ì€ / 뒤로 í•´ (G40) all pain / back do ( I push back all the pain.) ì—¬ì „ížˆ 널 ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ ì´ë ‡ê²Œ still you (I) wait like this ( I’m still waiting for you like this.) Now you gotta do what you gotta do Words) 차갑다: to be cold 세상: world 끝: the end ë‚ : me (casual, a short form of 나를 , 나: I 를: object marker) 버리다: to abandon ë‚´ 곁: my side (casual) ëª¨ë“ N : every (all) N ì•„í””: pain ë’¤: back 하다: to do ì—¬ì „ížˆ: still 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를, 너:you 를:object marker) 기다리다: to wait ì´ë ‡ê²Œ: like this 내게: to me (casual) 돌아오다: to come back , to return 2NE1- Come Back Home

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