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10 Natural Ways to Reverse Hair Loss - spices

10 Natural Ways to Reverse Hair Loss - Most men and many women lose hair as they age and want it to regrow it. Losing your hair can cause you to lose your confidence as well since your hair greatly affects your appearance.That’s why numerous products are sold to help reverse hair loss. Each year, millions of people consult their doctors or pharmacists for the magic cure to help reverse hair loss,. but hair growth chemicals don’t always work as well as some natural remedies.

Here are ten natural ways to reverse hair loss.

1) Apply a few drops of almond oil to your hair every day.

2) Mix coconut oil with avocado and spread on your hair. This combination eliminates flaking and gives your hair a healthy boost to help reverse hair loss.

3) Simmer hibiscus flowers in coconut oil and spread on your hair to condition it. Rinse lightly and style as usual.

1) Massage coconut milk into your scalp, leave on for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat three times per week until your hair loss decreases and healthy hair grows in.

5) Mix two tablespoons of amla (Indian gooseberry), reetha (from the soapnut tree), and shikakai, which comes from a shrub native to India. Add an egg and form a paste. Apply on scalp and massage throughout your hair. Let sit for 25-30 minutes and then rinse and cleanse with a mild shampoo. Try this three times per week for one month to help hair reverse hair.

6) Fo-ti. Also known as He shou wu (Chinese for “black-haired Mr. He”), this herb has been consumed as tea or in herbal medications to help increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.

7) Ginseng. This Chinese herbal medicine is said to rejuvenate the scalp, increase blood flow, and help reverse hair loss.

8) Gotu kola. This herb is available in at many health food stores and can stimulate hair growth.

9) Saw palmetto has been used to treat hair loss for decades. It is the primary active ingredient found in the vast majority of natural hair loss remedies and can help reverse hair loss.

10) Stinging nettle, one of the most common herbs used in traditional folk medicine, is said to help reverse hair los.

All of these natural remedies can help reverse hair loss. They’re easy to use and could make a difference in your rate of hair growth in just a few short months.

In 17 days or less, you can stop your hair loss with a revolutionary lotion that is cheap and easy to prepare. The lotion consists of three herbs easy to find anywhere and two items found in your local pharmacy. To get the formula to stop your hair loss, click here!

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