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Public, Private and Protected - PHP OOP

Public, Private and Protected - PHP OOP - Public, Private and Protected - PHP OOP


<?php //Public Visibility in PHP Classes //Public methods or variables can be accessible from anywhere. It can be accessible from using object(outside the class), or inside the class, or in child class. class test { public $abc; public $xyz; public function xyz() { } } $objA = new test(); echo $objA->abc;//accessible from outside $objA->xyz();//public method of the class test ?> <?php //Private Visibility in PHP Classes //only be accessible withing the class. Private visibility in php classes is used when you do not want your property or function to be exposed outside the class. Class test { public $abc; private $xyz; public function pubDo($a) { echo $a; } private function privDo($b) { echo $b; } public function pubPrivDo() { $this->xyz = 1; $this->privDo(1); } } $objT = new test(); $objT->abc = 3;//Works fine $objT->xyz = 1;//Throw fatal error of visibility $objT->pubDo("test");//Print "test" $objT->privDo(1);//Fatal error of visibility $objT->pubPrivDo();//Within this method private function privDo and variable xyz is called using $this variable. ?> <?php //Protected Visibility in PHP Classes //useful in case of inheritance and interface. Protected method or variable can be accessible either within class or child class. class parent { protected $pr; public $a protected function testParent() { echo this is test; } } class child extends parent { public function testChild() { $this->testParent(); //will work because it } } $objParent = new parent(); $objParent->testParent();//Throw error $objChild = new Child(); $objChild->setChild();//work because test child will call test parent. ?> 

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