oshlo.blogspot.com - On March 4th, 2013, AKB's Mayu Watanabe(渡辺麻友) (19) and Haruka Shimazaki(島崎遥香) (19) were at the "Papico 2014 Spring Campaign(パピコ2014春キャンペーン)" press conference announcing to recruit a 30+ years old new member as part of a campaign called "Adult AKB". New member is promised for a center position in the CM.

The aim of this "Adult AKB" campaign is to spread the brand "Papico" to all ages(Papico is ice cream in a tube that's popular in Japan). The crowd at the press conference was in awe when Watanabe voiced her expectations for the new member in center position. Watanabe said, "I want a school teacher as the new member".
The recruitment period starts from March 4th, to March 28th. Applicant can mail or use the web application
here. Experience will not be asked as long as you are over the age of 30.
sponichi.co.jpother source : http://okezone.com, http://reddit.com, http://japanentnews.blogspot.com
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