oshlo.blogspot.com - Dal Shabet returned this week with the group's latest single, "B.B.B." In a sharp change from most modern kpop, the song is a synthy dance track. Lawl, just kidding. They're all like that.
How does this one compare to the legions before it?
"B.B.B.," which stands for "Big Baby Baby" in case you were wondering, sounds straight-up '80s. If you took Dead or Alive's "Spin Me Round,"the Eurythmics' "Sweet Dream,"Salt N' Pepa's "Push It," and "Generic Kpop Song #428" and put them in a blender, you'd get Dal Shabet's new song. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. The song is fine if a bit forgettable. Honestly, it's the only other Dal Shabet song I care to listen to after "Supa Dupa Diva" (and I file that one strictly under the guilty pleasures label).
As far as the video goes, I'm torn. It's like 35 percent artsy piece with word overlays and campy wigs, 35 percent bland in-a-box kpop video, and the rest closeups of Serri. I love the overlays. I tolerate the bland backdrops. But I can't deal with that much Serri. I'm sorry, but your excruciating little face is too much to handle.
As far as the appropriateness of the song and concept for the group, "B.B.B." fits Dal Shabet pretty well. It might have worked slightly better for Nine Muses as its concept overlaps considerably with "Wild" and Nine Muses' overall sound, but it works nonetheless. The stylings in the video fit the individual members great. The girls are dressed in feminine yet mature outfits with pops of color and glitter here and there. It's flattering and appropriate. Basically the opposite of the look the girls had to sport for "Be Ambitious": I'm still mortified for them.
Sparkle eyebrows and all, "B.B.B." showcases a better look.
BOTTOM LINE: "B.B.B." is one of Dal Shabet's better songs, though nothing to foam at the mouth about.
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015
Sperm bucket challenge
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