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[s8e4] Entertainment Weekly feature on Who

Entertainment Weekly feature on - US magazine Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive feature and photoshoot on Doctor Who. Interviewees include Peter Capaldi (The Doctor), Jenna Coleman (Clara), Steven Moffat (Showrunner) and Brian Minchin (Executive Producer).

The issue is available now, check out the highlights below. Click on the images for bigger versions.
Executive Producer Brian Minchin says of new character Danny Pink: "He's a teacher at the same school as Clara. Clara decides she's not going to leave her life behind to go travel in time and space. She's starting a relationship with Danny so she's going to keep both lives going at once.
Entertainment Weekly feature on WhoThe TARDIS has some new modifications, featuring bookshelves and array of blackboards (pictured, right).

Peter Capaldi says of The Doctor: "He's more alien than we've seen him in a while, and he is less patient with the foibles of human beings. Somewhere in the regenerative process, human beings have lost their charm for him. But they begin to work their magic eventually."
On his relationship with former Doctor Whos David Tennant and Matt Smith, Capaldi comments: "We text a lot, if there is a problem I need some advice on."
Entertainment Weekly feature on Who
On a return for the Axons, he also adds: "Axons appeared as these godlike creatures, but underneath they were festering bags of flesh. I'd love to see a modern version of that."
Steven Moffat poo-poos a return for the original Cybermen, stating, "We're not bringing those back, because they look like boys with [sweaters] pulled over their heads."

Entertainment Weekly is available digitally and on newsstands now.

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