From left to right
- Notebook and Diary both from Typo with a good fineliner pen to scribble down ideas, sketches and appointments
- Bricanyl asthma inhaler, because I have asthma although I haven't had to use mine in almost a year
- Sportsgirl Remove IT nailpolish remover wipes and a nail file for touch ups on the go as I'm pretty ocd about my nails
- Gold glomesh purse, which replaced my old silver one which finally wore out after nearly 10+ years of on and off use. I picked up the gold one at Surry Hills markets for $7
- I only wear two colours of lipstick, either my Sportsgirl Juicy Watermelon or Mac Russian Red
- Camera bag, why are they always so ugly?
- Hair brush, with hair as fine as mine I am brushing my hair constantly or by the end of the day it looks like a birds nest
- My crappy old Nokia with my Melissa jelly sandal and Doc Marten boot ketei straps
- Karen Walker sunglasses and sunglass case from eyegoodies
- My keys with my I heart NY, Madonna Confessions tour and Henry the train keyring's
- Mirror
- Business card holder and cards which need to be updated asap
other source :,,
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