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[Movie review] Top 10 Goals and Resolutions for 2014 - > > 1.eparator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">Top 10 Goals and Resolutions for 2014>

1. Wrap/purge my books.> End of fall quarter called for another round of book wrapping, but I haven't done it yet. I also own books that I don't really want to keep but can't trade away because I've scribbled in them. I'll take them to the library and sneak them into the sale cart. >

2. Get rid of distractions.> That letter I've been meaning to write will become very tempting as I start working on an essay. Time to put it away until I finish what I have to. My main priorities will be my classes, honors thesis, and looking for an internship. >

3. Keep the room clean. >This will help me with #2. Perhaps a weekly purge will help. >

4. Drink instant coffee and tea at home and avoid buying gourmet coffee drinks on campus. >
By sticking to brewed coffee, I was pretty good about this during the fall, but in the heart of winter, a spicy Mayan hot cocoa just sounds so good that I'd be willing to plunk down 4 bucks for a cup. NO. >


5. Time management.> Call it senioritis, but I was seriously pushing deadlines during fall quarter. And with my honors thesis coming up winter quarter, I can't afford to slack off. >

6. Figure out a subject/direction to go with my honors thesis. >What I know is that I'll be doing a creative writing honors thesis instead of the academic paper one, but I'm not sure who my main characters should be or what it should be about. I do know that cheesy fantasy is out of the question since the lit department prefers realistic fiction.>

7. Internships for spring quarter.> I don't know where I'll be going after I graduate. If I can snag an internship then it might provide me with an idea. Worst case scenario: I fail to find an internship, and after graduation I run after every possible job opening, begging to be hired. Including the ones that don't require a 4-year degree. >

Top 10 Goals and Resolutions for 2014


8. Dress for class.> I love dressing for class, but it often falls to the wayside as deadlines pile up. This will be done more easily if I get #2, 3, and 5 under my belt. I went to my Monday finals (had three major things in a row) wrapped up in a scarf with a hood thrown over my head like a cap. ...None of my classmates recognized me, and I had two friends text me afterwards asking if I'd missed the exam. Never again! >

9. Network. >This includes going to my professors' office hours, and even department mixers in which we say hi. >

>10. Keep in touch with my friends.> Likewise, if I manage my time well, I'll be able to maintain some form of contact with my friends, whether it be in person, through FB/email or by snail mail. :) >


>Thanks for checking out my resolutions! What are some of your resolutions for '14? >

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