oshlo.blogspot.com - Warnings From Beyond (Hell), Part 2 of 3To the Contemporary Church
[Confessions of Hell]
A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Akabor, Allida, and Veroba during a series of exorcisms' from 1975 to 1978
A translation from the French, by Nancy Knowles Smith, of the book
'Avertissements de l'Au'delà à l’Ãglise Contemporaine – Aveux de l’Enfer’
by Jean Marty.
E: exorcist, B: Beelzebub
April 25,1977
E: Beelzebub, speak, in the name of Jesus: tell the truth and nothing but the truth! In the name of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, tell the truth!
B: Before such a great Sacrament, and most especially before Christ comes for the first time into the soul, and establishes a union between Heaven and this human being who is going to communicate, making a Confession is indispensable; a Confession which is valid, complete, entire, whole (he breathes deeply, painfully). When that has not taken place, respect for the Sacrament disappears, and the same for Heaven... (the words have difficulty coming out; impression of suffocation).
E: Speak, Beelzebub, in the name of Jesus!
B: ... and of all holy things. All piety and all respect disappear almost completely. But what is more lamentable, She makes me say, what is much more lamentable, is that this gives the communicant child a false mentality with regard to the Sacrament of the Altar, and in a more general way, with regard to the Holy Eucharist. These children will have the feeling that they can have as many faults and sins as they like, and can go to Communion, since that will be allowed.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of Jesus, and nothing but the truth!
B: In cases where Confession before Holy Communion is missing an element of incalculable importance is missing; it is harm which, in the majority of cases, or at least in many cases, will never be able to be repaired (he breathes painfully).
E: What else do you have to say, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Tell the truth, say what you have to say and nothing but the truth!
B: She makes me say that if the priests have little enough sense to send a child to the Holy Eucharist before he has confessed, and even before he has the notion of sin, its pardon and remission: it should not be allowed at all. It is a disgrace - even we down there (he points downward) must acknowledge it - that such children are allowed to do this.
It is said that children do not yet have faults, that children are innocent. But they have more faults and sins than is believed. Down there (he points downward) we have children, many more children than you think! (He groans)
E: Tell the truth, and nothing but the, truth, Beelzebub, in the name of Jesus, say what you have to say about the children! Speak, Beelzebub, speak in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus crucified, in the name of the Holy Cross, in the name of the Precious Blood say everything which the Blessed Virgin orders you to say... nothing but the truth, all the truth! Speak, in the name of Jesus!
B: She (he points upward) makes me say that all the children who are not prepared by their priests, who have had no instruction on the subject of Confession, must, for the love of God, be directed elsewhere where they will be given this instruction... for example, in another parish.
Where that is not possible, the parents themselves must take the catechism into their hands and learn with the child, until he is capable of receiving such a great gift as the Holy Eucharist. Otherwise, the child will never be led on to the good road. Later he will say: “Bah! The very first time, I went to Holy Communion quite well without Confession.” From there, very many children go on to the stage (he raises his voice) where they... we do not want to speak any more! Not any more!
E: In the name of Jesus, tell all the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin commands you!
B: So many children, and above all young people, go from there to the stage where it means' nothing more to them to receive the Sacrament in a state of mortal sin (he sighs sorrowfully). E: Say what the Blessed Virgin says, say only what the Blessed Virgin orders and wishes - speak! B: That is why She calls on all the parents, catechists, teachers to say to the children that they must never, never ever (he howls in a woeful voice) approach the Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, to receive Holy Communion without having made a worthy, good, complete Confession (he breathes painfully). If they have not done that, far better they do not go at all, because there are many graces a large number of graces, fewer.
People should also be told that each time they make a good Confession, worthy, correct, as it should be made, then the Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion, brings many more graces and has much more value than when the faithful receive the Body of Christ without Confession.
E: Tell the truth, in the name of Jesus!
B: Each Confession gives, contains, incalculable graces which you will be able to understand only in eternity, that is to say in the next world up there (he points upward while sighing).
E: Tell the truth, in the name of Jesus, nothing but the truth, all the truth! Beelzebub, continue, say what the Blessed Virgin orders you to say!
B: She (he points upward) suffers great torments and great sorrows each time that He (again he points upward) is received unworthily, or when He is received as if it were a piece of bread or some other food which is being taken, which is munched and eaten without thought to what It is.
But she suffers most of all seeing children, First Communicants, admitted to Communion not only without Confession, but without sufficient preparation for this Holy Sacrament. Yes, yes...(the words come out with difficulty) they do not even have a good, complete...
E: Continue, in the name or Jesus...!
B: ...preparation for Holy Communion; they have no proper preparation, without even mentioning Confession. Many of the First Communicants do not even know that they should make Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity. They are simply told...
E: Speak, in the name of Jesus, in. the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
B: They are simply told: “Now, you are going to Communion. Christ is good for everyone. He loves all children, he presses them to His Heart. You are still innocent: He loves children like you. Go to Him and open your Heart to Him, unite yourself with Him as often as you like. That gives Him pleasure, great pleasure...” But they do not point out that He cannot be pleased with ALL the children. They do not see that, they pass it over in silence (he sighs).
E: Tell the truth. Beelzebub, nothing but the truth, in the name...!
B: They do not point out that it is often an abomination for Christ to go into a Heart that already carries in it very many sins, some of them capital sins...[50] We don't want to speak any more! Not any more!
E: In the name of the Jesus, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin orders you to say! Tell the truth. Beelzebub, continue!
B: She (he points upward) launches an appeal. She makes me say that, before all other things, the preparation for Holy Communion should be made in a more serious way, more complete and more fitting than is the case today.
Above all - but this I have already said - Confession absolutely must precede it. Parents should prepare the child very, very carefully; and, moreover, should pray each day with him. They should ask him questions and do everything that they can so that he makes a good Confession. It is not necessary for them to go to find the priest to reproach him for not having done it (himself), and thus provoke an argument.
They are not absolutely obliged to do that (to speak thus to the priest); they can do it, but it is not an absolute duty for them. (However) they can, in all peace of mind, instruct their child themselves[51] and prepare him for his First Confession.
In many towns, there are several churches. If they live in the country, they can and should take their children somewhere else, in cases where they would be obstructed by their own priest.
By purifying his soul, the child will receive many greater graces; immense graces, crucial for the rest of his life, are lost because the child has not learnt to approach Christ on his First Communion day with a pure heart, in some way worthy of Him (he cries). I had to say that again! I had to say that again! It is also necessary for this to be included in your cheap and rotten book!
source : http://okezone.com, http://wikipedia.org
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