Gosh - with a release this big, its hard to know where to begin writing about it. Sahlin Studio and I have been plotting and working on this project for months. It is by FAR the most work I've ever done on a project, but it is definitely the project I am the most proud of! Krista and I are both inspired by our Disney Vacations, and inspiration for this project came as we dreamt of the perfect products to scrap our own Epcot World Pavillion pages. Whether you've been to Epcot or not, we all scrap our travels and vacations which makes this perfect for every digi-scrapper.
I can't wait for you to see everything - so, let's just jump right in . . .
This series of products comes in several individual kits, OR you can save money and buy the bundles!! First up - we have a travel-themed mega-kit . . .
"Around the World">>
And then there are 8, yes 8>>, country-themed kits. They just 'happen to' represent all of the countries you find at Epcot.
"Taste of Mexico">>
"Taste of Germany & Norway">
"Taste of Asia">>
"Taste of France & Italy">
"Taste of Americana">>
"Taste of Morocco">>
"Taste of Great Britain">>
"Taste of Canada">
Or if you'd just like to buy all thee countries together, but not> the "Around the World" travel-themed kit, you can purchase the . . .
"Taste of the World">>
Basically you're getting TWO COUNTRIES free when you buy it like that!!
Or - if you want the whole she-bang, every country AND the travel-themed kit, AND get the best value, you'll want to purchase . . .
"The Ultimate Round-Trip Ticket Bundle">
You save $7 (that's 26% off) when you buy everything all together. That's like getting a free mega-kit!
Krista and I both have a freebie add-ons for you too, so read allllll the way to the bottom of the post to get those!
I'm ALSO releasing a very fun alpha that will quickly become a staple in your stash . . .
"Extra! Extra! Alpha">>
Now - I have a TON of LOs to show you from my Britt Girls. They are going to show you how versatile this bundle of kits is. You'll be amazed by the different ways you can use this stuff!!!!!! To kick it off, here's my LO. These are pictures from when Josh and I were at the Germany Pavilion at Epcot this past October . . .
And here are the creations from the amazing Britt Girls . . .
Didn't I tell you they were amazing?! You girls went above and beyond this week!! Thank you sooooo much!
Ready for this week's Show Offs? There were SOOO many sent in!
If you'd like to Show Off, but aren't sure how - read the end of >this post for all the details.
Ok here's my add-on freebie for you! And you'll have to jet-set over to Sahlin Studio's blog to get hers as well!
Well, its funny that all this travel product comes out today as my bags are packed and we're ready to drive to California for a few days at Disneyland!! I hope you all have a very magical weekend and I'll see you when I get back!

source : http://imgur.com, http://designingcreations.blogspot.com, http://docstoc.com
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