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[pc peripheral] How to Unlock All 54 Playable Characters on Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC)

How to Unlock All 54 Playable Characters on Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC)

Here's a guide on how to get all 54 rooster on the latest fighting game on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC Called Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
How To Unlock All Dragon Ball Xenoverse Characters
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Unlockable Characters
As you can tell from the character select screen, when you start the game there are 40 starter characters out of the over 54 total playable characters to choose from in the roster.
Playable Starter Characters:
1. Goku (Base, Kaio-ken, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3)
2. Goku (Super Saiyan God)
3. Kid Gohan
4. Teen Gohan (Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)
5. Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Ultimate)
6. Gohan as Great Saiyaman (Base, Super Saiyan)
7. Videl
8. Videl as Great Saiyawoman
9. Goten (Base, Super Saiyan)
10. Vegeta (Base, Super Vegeta, Super Vegeta 2)
11. Future Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)
12. Kid Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)
13. Piccolo
14. Krillin (Base, Kaio-ken)
15. Yamcha (Base, Kaio-ken)
16. Tien Shinhan
17. Gotenks (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3)
18. Hercule AKA Mr. Satan
19. Raditz
20. Nappa
21. Saibamen
22. Appule
23. Guldo
24. Recoome
25. Burter
26. Jeice
27. Captain Ginyu (Base, Body Change)
28. Frieza (First Form)
29. Frieza (Final Form)
30. Frieza (100% Power)
31. Android #17
32. Android #18
33. Cell (Perfect Form)
34. Cell (Super Perfect Form)
35. Cell Jr.
36. Majin Buu
37. Super Buu
38. Kid Buu
39. Beerus AKA Bills
40. Whis
Playable Secret Characters:
The final 7 of the 47 in-game Dragon Ball Xenoverse characters from the main game will become available by meeting certain in-game requirements.
Below is the list of 7 secret characters in order, from easy to hard, in which you can unlock them…
41. Goku [GT] (Super Saiyan 4)
42. Vegito (Base, Super Vegito)
43. Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)
44. Bardock (Base, Super Saiyan)
45. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan)
46. Super 17
47. Omega Shenron
Playable Download Characters:
Finally, we get to the last 7 extra characters that round out the total of 54 playable characters announced for Dragon Ball XV so far.
You can expect more downloadable content (DLC) characters to be included in the post-launch Season Pass’ 3 DLC Packs. – And hopefully the SSJ4 Vegeta pre-order bonus will be made available to buy for all at a later date after launch.
48. Vegeta [GT] (Super Saiyan 4) — Pre-order Bonus
49. Kid Goku [GT] (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3) — DLC Pack 1
50. Pan [GT] — DLC Pack 1
51. Trunks [GT] (Super Saiyan) — DLC Pack 1
52. Eis Shenron — DLC Pack 2
53. Nuova Shenron — DLC Pack 2
54. Jaco the Space Patroller AKA Jaco the Galactic Patrolman — DLC Pack 3
This video shows all secret playable Dragon Ball Xenoverse characters unlocked! Along with the 47-strong main roster, you also get to see all 150 character outfits in the game.
Below is shown the nitty-gritty detail of the video guide.
How To Unlock Vegito
Unlock Method: Complete a Parallel Quest between numbers 40-47.
Successfully doing this will unlock “Vegito (Base, Super Vegito)”.
How To Unlock Goku Super Saiyan 4
Unlock Method: Complete every single Parallel Quest in the game.
Successfully doing this will unlock “Goku [GT] (Super Saiyan 4)”.
How To Unlock Bardock
Unlock Method: The Bardock, Father of Goku, Secret Mission is from the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga, which can only be played after the final boss Demigra is defeated and you cleared the game.
Another requirement is to unlock all five shards* (full details at the asterix below). After doing that you can go to Trunks in the Scroll area and he’ll take you on a trip to do two different quest chains. So you’ll need these shards to be able to play the two Secret Missions in the first place!
The first saga is Bardock’s Saga, which is pretty difficult due to the high number of enemies, and the fact that you have to babysit Bardock. Completing it unlocks the “Bardock (Base, Super Saiyan)” character for you in VS mode.
*How to get all 5 shards: After clearing the game you’ll receive the “Crystal of Time” and there are five pieces to collect.
You can unlock the shards by completing the following:
– 1st Shard: Defeat Quest 3 of the Demigra Saga.
– 2nd Shard: Speak with Recon at “Time Square”.
– 3rd Shard. Perfect Parallel Quest 49 “The Saiyans Rebellion”.
– 4th Shard: In Parallel Quest 14 “The Legendary Super Saiyan” defeat Goku, or defeat Ginyu in Goku’s body during Parallel Quest 18 “Ginyu Corps Return”.
– 5th Shard: Perfect Parallel Quest 2 “Get ready for the Saiyan Invasion!”, or Defeat Super Saiyan Goku in Parallel Quest 21 “Let the Cell Games Begin!”.
How To Beat The Bardock Secret Mission: In this video guide it’s shown how to complete Bardock’s Saga.
How To Unlock Broly
Unlock Method: The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Secret Mission is from the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga, which can only be played after the final boss Demigra is defeated and you cleared the game, and after beating the Bardock mission from the same Legendary Super Saiyan Saga.
Another requirement is to unlock all five shards* (full details at the asterix below). After doing that you can go to Trunks in the Scroll area and he’ll take you on a trip to do two different quest chains. So you’ll need these shards to be able to play the two Secret Missions in the first place!
After completing the first saga, Bardock’s Saga… The second saga is the Broly Saga, where you take on Broly in order to save the universe. Completing both Secret Missions unlocks the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly character for you in VS mode.
*How to get all 5 shards: After clearing the game you’ll receive the “Crystal of Time” and there are five pieces to collect.
You can unlock the shards by completing the following:
– 1st Shard: Defeat Quest 3 of the Demigra Saga.
– 2nd Shard: Speak with Recon at “Time Square”.
– 3rd Shard. Perfect Parallel Quest 49 “The Saiyans Rebellion”.
– 4th Shard: In Parallel Quest 14 “The Legendary Super Saiyan” defeat Goku, or defeat Ginyu in Goku’s body during Parallel Quest 18 “Ginyu Corps Return”.
– 5th Shard: Perfect Parallel Quest 2 “Get ready for the Saiyan Invasion!”, or Defeat Super Saiyan Goku in Parallel Quest 21 “Let the Cell Games Begin!”.
How To Beat The Broly Secret Mission: In this video guide it’s shown how to complete Broly’s Saga.
How To Unlock Gogeta Super Saiyan 4
Unlock Method: You can use the Shenron wishes to unlock Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta! To get a wish granted by Shenron, you’ll need to collect all 7 of the Dragon Balls each time. Dragon Balls are rewards from the Parallel Quests, after completion check in the bag you have by pressing the RB/R1 button.
Important Note: Unlike what you may be expecting, the missions where you collect the Dragon Balls don’t actually give you any Dragon Balls. Instead, you need to play Parallel Quests, and the ones that have secret objectives have a chance to spawn Time Patrollers; beat them and there is a chance for Dragon Balls to drop from their loot table. — It’s rather random and it does take a bit of farming. But it’s not very difficult, just very time consuming.
How To Get The Dragon Balls and Summon Shenron: This video guide shows how to collect all 7 Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Xenoverse and then summon the eternal dragon Shenron to make a wish! You get one wish for each time you summon the Dragon. To summon Shenron again and make another wish, the 7 Dragon Balls need to be collected again.
The Steps To Dragon Ball Farming:
• Step 1: Go to Parallel Quest 2 (offline or online is both ok).
• Step 2: Pick any character.
• Step 3: Beat Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin.
• Step 4: When the portal opens, look for the random Time Patroller. The one you might look different from the one in the video. That’s because they usually change appearance after each encounter.
• Step 5: Go up to the Time Patroller and accept his challenge for a fight. Then beat him.
• Step 6: You should get two messages after beating the Time Patroller. One for getting a material item and one for getting an important item.
• Step 7: Go through the portal and beat Gohan, Piccolo, and Goku if he appears. Afterwards when you’re done, you’ll receive the Dragon Ball.
Alternate Mission to try this in: Mission number 15 appears popular to farm Dragon Balls as well. It’s the “Defeat 100% power Frieza” Mission.
The Time Patroller Appearance Conditions Are:
A) You have to beat Frieza quickly, the Time Patroller has been seen showing up at about a minute in.
B) It also appears you need to get an S or Z rank.
C) And then a Time Patroller can show up, since any quest with a portal can have a Time Patroller, but it’s not guaranteed.
How To Unlock Super 17
Unlock Method: You can use the Shenron wishes to unlock Super 17! To get a wish granted by Shenron, you’ll need to collect all 7 of the Dragon Balls each time. Dragon Balls are rewards from the Parallel Quests, after completion check in the bag you have by pressing the RB/R1 button.
Important Note: Unlike what you may be expecting, the missions where you collect the Dragon Balls don’t actually give you any Dragon Balls. Instead, you need to play Parallel Quests, and the ones that have secret objectives have a chance to spawn Time Patrollers; beat them and there is a chance for Dragon Balls to drop from their loot table. — It’s rather random and it does take a bit of farming. But it’s not very difficult, just very time consuming.
How To Get The Dragon Balls and Summon Shenron: This video guide shows how to collect all 7 Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Xenoverse and then summon the eternal dragon Shenron to make a wish! You get one wish for each time you summon the Dragon. To summon Shenron again and make another wish, the 7 Dragon Balls need to be collected again.
The Steps To Dragon Ball Farming:
• Step 1: Go to Parallel Quest 2 (offline or online is both ok).
• Step 2: Pick any character.
• Step 3: Beat Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin.
• Step 4: When the portal opens, look for the random Time Patroller. The one you might look different from the one in the video. That’s because they usually change appearance after each encounter.
• Step 5: Go up to the Time Patroller and accept his challenge for a fight. Then beat him.
• Step 6: You should get two messages after beating the Time Patroller. One for getting a material item and one for getting an important item.
• Step 7: Go through the portal and beat Gohan, Piccolo, and Goku if he appears. Afterwards when you’re done, you’ll receive the Dragon Ball.
Alternate Mission to try this in: Mission number 15 appears popular to farm Dragon Balls as well. It’s the “Defeat 100% power Frieza” Mission.
The Time Patroller Appearance Conditions Are: A) You have to beat Frieza quickly, the Time Patroller has been seen showing up at about a minute in. B) It also appears you need to get an S or Z rank. C) And then a Time Patroller can show up, since any quest with a portal can have a Time Patroller, but it’s not guaranteed.
How To Unlock Omega Shenron
Unlock Method: You can use the Shenron wishes to unlock Omega Shenron! To get a wish granted by Shenron, you’ll need to collect all 7 of the Dragon Balls each time. Dragon Balls are rewards from the Parallel Quests, after completion check in the bag you have by pressing the RB/R1 button.
Important Note: Unlike what you may be expecting, the missions where you collect the Dragon Balls don’t actually give you any Dragon Balls. Instead, you need to play Parallel Quests, and the ones that have secret objectives have a chance to spawn Time Patrollers; beat them and there is a chance for Dragon Balls to drop from their loot table. — It’s rather random and it does take a bit of farming. But it’s not very difficult, just very time consuming.
How To Get The Dragon Balls and Summon Shenron: This video guide shows how to collect all 7 Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Xenoverse and then summon the eternal dragon Shenron to make a wish! You get one wish for each time you summon the Dragon. To summon Shenron again and make another wish, the 7 Dragon Balls need to be collected again.
The Steps To Dragon Ball Farming:
• Step 1: Go to Parallel Quest 2 (offline or online is both ok).
• Step 2: Pick any character.
• Step 3: Beat Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin.
• Step 4: When the portal opens, look for the random Time Patroller. The one you might look different from the one in the video. That’s because they usually change appearance after each encounter.
• Step 5: Go up to the Time Patroller and accept his challenge for a fight. Then beat him.
• Step 6: You should get two messages after beating the Time Patroller. One for getting a material item and one for getting an important item.
• Step 7: Go through the portal and beat Gohan, Piccolo, and Goku if he appears. Afterwards when you’re done, you’ll receive the Dragon Ball.
Alternate Mission to try this in: Mission number 15 appears popular to farm Dragon Balls as well. It’s the “Defeat 100% power Frieza” Mission.
The Time Patroller Appearance Conditions Are:
A) You have to beat Frieza quickly, the Time Patroller has been seen showing up at about a minute in.
B) It also appears you need to get an S or Z rank.
C) And then a Time Patroller can show up, since any quest with a portal can have a Time Patroller, but it’s not guaranteed.
How To Unlock 8 Custom Characters
Unlock Method: You can have up to eight custom characters. At first, you can create only one. The other customize-able slots will be unlocked after you finish the main story of Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
Video Guide: This video shows all races and genders available in the character creator.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Downloadable Characters?
Future DLC Characters?: For all the fans wishing to extend their experience, Bandai Namco Games and Dimps are working on a Season Pass containing 3 different DLC Packs.
Note: Once enough time has passed after Dragon Ball Xenoverse’s worldwide launch on February 24th 2015, no one should have a problem with the choice to download more character in exchange for a small fee, since they are only now being made. Which is why not all upcoming playable characters have been confirmed.
Here we’ve listed the not yet included characters that are confirmed by Bandai Namco.
Confirmed DLC Characters:
How To Unlock Vegeta Super Saiyan 4
Unlock Method: Pre-order Dragonball Xenoverse on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 or PC before the release date and you’ll receive a promotional code to access the playable character Vegeta Super Saiyan 4 and two Frieza soldier battle suits (Gold and Crystal versions). Your Pre-order Bonus download code will be emailed to you on or before the release date.
Note: Although Bandai Namco have said SSJ4 Vegeta is a pre-order bonus exclusive, in the past such pre-order DLC has become paid DLC within half a year after launch. So there’s hope yet to get this extra playable character.
Official Video: “Vegeta [GT] (Super Saiyan 4)” was confirmed through gameplay from the Japanese version.
How To Unlock Kid Goku
Unlock Method: Becomes available in March 2015. If you buy the Dragonball Xenoverse “Season Pass”, or its “DLC Pack 1″ separately, you’ll be able to download “Kid Goku [GT] (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3)” as a new playable character.
How To Unlock Pan
Unlock Method: Becomes available in March 2015. If you buy the Dragonball Xenoverse “Season Pass”, or its “DLC Pack 1″ separately, you’ll be able to download “Pan [GT]” as a new playable character.
How To Unlock Trunks Super Saiyan
Unlock Method: Becomes available in March 2015. If you buy the Dragonball Xenoverse “Season Pass”, or its “DLC Pack 1″ separately, you’ll be able to download “Trunks [GT] (Super Saiyan)” as a new playable character.
How To Unlock Eis Shenron
Unlock Method: Becomes available in April 2015 or later. If you buy the Dragonball Xenoverse “Season Pass”, or its “DLC Pack 2″ separately, you’ll be able to download “Eis Shenron” as a new playable character.
How To Unlock Nuova Shenron
Unlock Method: Becomes available in April 2015 or later. If you buy the Dragonball Xenoverse “Season Pass”, or its “DLC Pack 2″ separately, you’ll be able to download “Nuova Shenron” as a new playable character.
How To Unlock Jaco the Space Patroller
Unlock Method: Becomes available outside of Japan in May 2015 or later. If you buy the Dragonball Xenoverse “Season Pass”, or its “DLC Pack 3″ separately, you’ll be able to download “Jaco the Space Patroller AKA Jaco the Galactic Patrolman” as a new playable character.
Official Video: “Jaco the Space Patroller” was confirmed through gameplay from the Japanese version.
This Japanese TV commercial shows the main Dragon Ball Xenoverse characters in action:
[WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Stay tuned for more unlocking methods. Visit this page constantly for updates.
Credits: Special thanks to Bandai Namco, Anime Games Online, Mike, Sergio, Light_Raito.

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