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[April fool's] Food Reward Friday

This week's lucky "winner"... low-carb gluten-free bacon chocolate mocha ice cream cake!!

Food Reward Friday

WHS reader Nick sent me this one (thanks!). The cake is a "dense, brownie-like chocolate cake, nestling layers of coffee ice cream", with "whipped chocolate ganache, and pressed crunchy crumbled bacon into the sides", etc. I have to hand it to creator Melissa Sevigny, this cake looks TASTY. Cake + Bacon = Food Reward.

This is not just any old fattening unhealthy white flour cake though-- this is a slimming, healthy low-carb gluten-free cake! So go ahead and eat the whole thing*.

Seriously though, this is a great example of how people go wrong with healthy eating. Start with a reasonable rule of thumb, then end up undermining it with culinary work-arounds. For example, eating whole foods tends to be a good idea, but if your interpretation of that is eating whole wheat scones every day, you may not get the outcome you're looking for...

* I didn't see Sevigny make any claims about the cake being slimming or healthy. Still, the fact that the cake is described as low-carb and gluten-free will imply to many people that it's healthy.

Image credit: Melissa Sevigny.

source :,,

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