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One of the first posts that I would always do beginning the new year, would be to post the round ups of all recaps that happens for the previous year. I have been delayed this time, yet I didn't want to miss out reading and enjoying what each of my friends had to say about how the previous year has been and what their plans are for the new year.
I know it's customary for all to plan on new resolutions, new tasks on themselves. However for a typical Food blogger, I feel our resolutions are more blog related and we would always want to improve from what we have been doing previously.
I am going to go by the order in which I received the entries to my inbox. So here's are the entries of bloggers who have sent in their Best of the Year 2014

Recap ~ Best of 2014

First on we have Srividhya, I got to know her through Blogging Marathon. I was surprised to note that she has been blogging for 5 years now and since last year she has become more active. She has been doing the BM with us for the past few months and it was nice noting that she has an eBook now as well! Great going Srividhya.
Next I had Archana sending me her recap. If you must know what to think of Archana, then yes think of naughty little girl, full of mischief, then it must surely be her. I got to meet her twice now and have thoroughly enjoyed her company. Her quote from Tennyson brings a smile, yes we hope the coming days will be happier indeed! She does a quick recap of her favorite dishes that she cooked up through the year, ending it with a sweet note of her childhood favorite Kharwas..Do take a moment to check on her...
Then we have the recap from the Princi herself. Well as you might know I find it hard to put in enough adjectives to describe the lady or her work. Whatever she does, she makes me go 'jaw dropping' with the efforts she puts in her posts. And would you believe she does it all so meticulously, all planned weeks and scheduled weeks ahead? Yes it can't be anybody else but Vaishali. Her space is a treasure cove for people who want to learn everything.
We then have Kalyani, the new baker around the block, mastering her yeast and baking up some amazing stuffs. Of course you got to wait for those breads to make an appearance. Meanwhile, you hop on to her space to check out what she has listed as some of the dishes she loved.
Next we have Mireille, who never ceases to amaze me with the ease with which she cooks up India Food. Her detailed notes, the history behind even a small aspect of food, makes reading her posts such joy! She lists out her various Favorites categories with pictures for us to easily access!
Then I take you to a classic space all ready to make you drool with the lovely pictures the author puts up! Yes we have Pavani sharing her favorite from each month, though she was able to pick up one, I must say I have known spending much time drooling over all her posts all the time. I don't know how she does it, the pictures come alive each time!. Great job Pavani.
Harini comes next with her recap of lovely dishes. While I have been enjoying both the pictures and the posts she puts up, I felt her pictures have become even more sinful the past year. Do check it out yourself!
Priya Srinivasan is yet another blogger with whom I have bonded well over the years. I can still remember the lovely time we spent at her parents place and how much we all enjoyed. So it came as a surprise when she said she was doing a recap of the year for the first time. Well, there is a first for all. And the pictures she has put up, will surely make you want to grab them right off. Those laddos are out of the world, so is her lil ones who poses for the pics!
We will become Alice in wonderland now, for we are at Varadas Kitchen, in a land so beautiful with such amazing bakes and breads! Varada's creativity is endless, so is her passion for baked stuffs that she baked a whole thali of Diwali Sweets and would you believe Gulab Jamun, that were so soft. And the best part is yet to come. She made 26 International Thalis! You should surely land here to check out.
Next comes the lady who never fails to support me in whatever I do. Infact so much so that she starts preparing her recap in the first month itself knowing I will do this event! And all the posts from PJ are so informative that you need not go else where to learn something new! She puts up her best from each month and I am finding it hard to decide which one is best!
If I remember back, I met Priya Suresh again, last year this time. And I wonder how a year has so quickly passed by. I am sure there is no need to introduce the ace blogger she is to anybody. Going steadily towards 3K recipes, her blogs are simply amazing!
Then we have Priuyanka doing her recap. I always enjoyed looking forward to her recap. I am hoping the new year will get her to post more frequently.
And finally a recap from me, a bit from both my blogs, where I simply try to separate what's general and what's specific to vegetarian food. It had been year with so much to learn and so much more to explore.
That's all with the wonderful recap we had. Here's wishing everybody a great year ahead. I hope we get to explore, learn and enjoy the new year with great food and fun!

source :,,

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