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“Obedience is a Blood matter for Soldier’s.”- funny, cartoon, joke, quote in Navy - Image Quotes

“Obedience is a Blood matter for Soldier’s.”- funny, cartoon, joke, quote in Navy - The Secretary of the Navy was inspecting a recently launched carrier.

The entire crew stood at attention. "I suppose," said the Secretary jokingly to the carrier's captain, "you know the name of every man on the ship." "I think I do," was the captain's unexpected reply.

"Aha," smiled the Secretary. "What's the name of the third man from the left there in the rear rank?". "William Jones," said the captain. The Secretary addressed the seaman himself.

"What's your name, lad?" he asked.

"William Jones, sir," replied Seaman Abernathy.
Related Keywords- #Funny #jokes on Soldier, #quotes on soldiers, small #comic #story on captain, political army #cartoons

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