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A Cocktail & Conversation With TB&TB Crew -- Bookish Accessories? - 5 stars

A Cocktail & Conversation With TB&TB Crew -- Bookish Accessories? - Every other Thursday (errrr Friday this week) here at the Broke & The Bookish is A Cocktail & Conversation time. One of the TBTB members will pose a question to 2-3 of the other members of TB&TB crew about books, life, music, etc and then they'll answer and we can converse about it. So grab a cocktail & cozy up for some conversation. It's 5 o'clock somewhere, friends.

Jana asks: What's your favorite bookish accessory? Is it a particular tote bag, piece of jewelry, book light, etc.?
Bridget says: I'm going to go with the pillows my future in-laws bought us for Christmas this year. We got Edgar Allen Poe and Jane Austen (pictured below):

A Cocktail & Conversation With TB&TB Crew -- Bookish Accessories?
Jane actually creeps the hell out of me, but Edgar isn't so bad. Couldn't find a picture of him though.

Jamie says: This necklace that my friend Jen got me -- it's a quote from John Green's Looking For Alaska! It says "When I look at my room I see a girl who loves books."
A Cocktail & Conversation With TB&TB Crew -- Bookish Accessories?

Paula says: My favorite accessory is necklaces. I am a necklace fiend. So my favorite book related accessory is also necklaces.
A Cocktail & Conversation With TB&TB Crew -- Bookish Accessories?
So I have the Hogwarts seal, the Deathly Hallows, Hansel and Gretel, and Brave New World (my hands down favorite book). I also have a pair of "I <3 Neil Gaiman" earrings. And comic book shoes that I made (and shared here before). In the future I am planning on making a book clutch so if you ask me again in a few months I might have a different answer :D Oh gosh I have so many book related things that I love that I could list here actually... I'll spare you though!

What about you guys? What are YOUR favorite bookish accessories? Tell us...and maybe link us so um maybe we can do a little shopping??

other source :,,

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