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[Update] AKF Design Update - Hey guys, I thought I'd give you all an update about AKF's design. As you know, I changed the layout about a month ago, but I did it relatively quickly and there are many things that I'm not happy with. I also know, from people's comments online, that quite a few of you aren't too fond of the new layout either. That's why I have decided to revamp the site, once again, don't worry you won't have to deal with fonts like Paytone One or the teal colour scheme any more - the site will look much more cleaner.

I just wanted to give you heads up because I'll be updating the site over the next couple of days (including today), and since I'd rather not take the site offline for a few days, if AKF takes a while to load or looks different it's because I'm playing around with the code.

I hope you enjoy the new features when you get to see the completed site!

other source :,,

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