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How to Find All Heart Pieces in Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D [Guide] #76662

How to Find All Heart Pieces in Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D [Guide]
This write up focuses on Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Heart Pieces locations guide that helps you find the total of 52 Heart Pieces locations for the Nintendo 3DS action-adventure remake of the beloved N64 classic.
Why bother get those Heart Pieces?
It's essential 52 Heart Piece locations deviously hidden throughout the land of Termina and picking them up so Link will gain maximum health for his journey.
How to find missing Heart Pieces?: In-game the Heart Piece Items can be seen in the overworld as blue-colored translucent glass containers with lipstick red Heart Pieces in the center. Simply walk over them to collect it.
You can often see them laying around in hard-to-reach areas, although many of them will be given to you as rewards for completing certain tasks throughout the game world by its various denizens. Or found within Treasure Chests.
You will know you’ve picked up a Heart Piece when the on-screen text appears alongside an infamous musical jingle (dun-dun-dun-DA!) that will tell you that you’ve picked one up. Heart Pieces, as the name suggests, are only PIECES of a Heart Container. Therefore, you need to collect four pieces to complete one Heart Container.
When you do, you’re life energy, represented by hearts in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, will increase by one. You’ll see the new heart appear at the end of the meter once four are collected. You can see how many of the four Heart Pieces needed on the Subscreen.
You’ll find each of the Heart Piece locations in these four videos (based off the N64 title), in the progression that you’d normally find them throughout the course of the game.
Heart Piece Locations #1-#17

Heart Piece #1 – South Clock Town; Clock Tower Platform
Requirements: Moon’s Tear & Deku Mask or Normal Link
This is an easy one. For the simplest way, wait until you are normal Link and not the short & stout Deku Link. As normal Link, you can climb to the platform in front of the Clock Tower in the center of town (South Clock Town). You can see the Heart Piece at the top of the platform, and you’ll find a ramp on the right side of the entrance that leads straight to it. Alternatively, you can snag this earlier as Deku Link by obtaining a Moon’s Tear from the Astral Observatory (where you look into the telescope to spy on the Devil Moon’s eye) and trading it to the Deku Business Scrub guarding the Yellow Flower by the pool of water near the Clock Tower. Do the trade and the Business Scrub will give you a Land Title Deed (which can be traded at the Southern Swamp to that Business Scrub). This will cause him to leave the flower. You can then use the flower as Deku Link to shoot up and hover over to the platform at the Clock Tower containing your first Heart Piece!
Heart Piece #2 – North Clock Town; In Grasp of Tree Branch
Requirements: Deku Mask
This one is also very easy. You’ll find this Heart Piece within the grasp of a tree’s branches in North Clock Town. The pillars next to the slide are your ticket to reaching it.
Heart Piece #3 – Stock Pot Inn Toilet; Relief At Last
Requirements: Title Deed or Letter (Paper of some sort)
This is a funny one. Visit the bathroom found in the Stock Pot Inn (where a hand sticks out, beckoning you into depths of depravity your innocent, feeble young mind has yet to imagine) to claim it, but only when you have a Title Deed Card (the paper to be used as TOILET PAPER, see. TP is the key!) in your possession. Once you have some paper, in the form of a Title Deed from any one of the Business Scrubs, visit the toilet between 12:00AM & 6:00AM and the dirty lil hand (who appears as “???” when you speak to him) will exchange the “toilet paper” for a Heart Piece! Nasty but hey, when nature calls… a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do!
Heart Piece #4 – Sword Man’s School (West Clock Town); Heed Young Grasshopper!
Requirements: A Sword Weapon of Any Type
This Heart Piece can be acquired by beating the Swordman’s School Challenge. Located in West Clock Town, visit it at any time of day to play a minigame in which you must slice small block pillars with a Jump Attack. Score 30 points by slicing all of them and you’ll be rewarded with another Piece of Heart. Easy peasy.
Heart Piece #5 – Post Office; Time’s Just A Game
Requirements: Bunny Hood (To Make It Easy), Rupees
Are you an expert at keeping time? Then this is the game for you. You can play a minigame at the Post Office during the First or Second Night, between 6:00-12:00PM. Talk to the Postman, pay him, and stand in front of him. To win the minigame, you gotta press A to start a timer, then press A again exactly at 10 seconds. This can be done with a stopwatch or timer of some sort within your physical world, if you have one, as you won’t be able to see the timer normally. UNLESS you play this game with the Bunny Hood, then it’s easy as you can see the Timer.
Heart Piece #6 – West Clock Town Rosa Sisters; Dance That Seductive Dance, Kid
Requirements: Kamaro’s Mask
The Rosa Sisters are quite sexy right? Gotta love those short skirts. Ahem. Child Link has probably noticed these hot young things at some point right? You’ll find the Rosa Sisters doing a strange dance at night located at West Clock Town. Head there during either the First or Second Night with the Kamaro’s Mask in tow; while they are performing their strange dance, to do the dance with them and score a Heart Piece. Groove on Link, groove on!
Heart Piece #7 – East Clock Town Shooting Gallery; Archery
Requirements: Hero’s Bow
Fancy yourself an archer? Prove your metal at the Town Shooting Gallery, located in East Clock Town. This minigame requires you to score 50 points. There’s no way to cheat, so keep doing it until you score all 50 to earn your prize. Link’s still got it!
Heart Piece #8 – East Clock Town Treasure Chest Game; Lock My Heart
Requirements: Rupees, Goron Mask
Simply play the Treasure Chest Game as a Goron to earn this Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #9 – North Clock Town Deku Playgournd; My Heart Aflutter
Requirements: Rupees, Deku Mask
Can you consistently win a minigame? The Deku Playground will challenge you to do just that. Win the minigame found within the Deku Playground, located in North Clock Town near the Great Fairy Fountain and accessed via Deku Link using the flower to enter the fenced area and falling down the hole. The catch here is that you have to successfully beat the minigame for all three days in a row. On the Final Day, you’ll earn your Heart Piece.
Heart Piece #10 – East Clock Town Honey & Darling; Love Me Tender
Requirements: Hero’s Bow, Bomb Bag
Another three-peat, simply beat the Honey & Darling minigames found in East Clock Town three days in a row to claim your Heart Piece on the Final Day.
[Work-In-Progress: This guide isn't finish yet. Check back later for the nitty-gritty details of this guide. For the meantime, continue watching the video below as it is complete!]
Heart Piece Locations #18-#34

Heart Piece Locations #35-#45

Heart Piece Locations #45-#52
credits: guide created by ValientLink
How to Find All Heart Pieces in Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D [Guide] There are a total of Fifty Two Heart Pieces in Zelda Majora's Mask, November 2000. 6 Zelda 64 Majora's Mask Sword Guide FAQ, November 2000. Welcome to the Zelda Majora rsquo s Mask 3D Heart Pieces locations guide that helps you find the total of 52 Heart Pieces locations for the Nintendo 3DS This write up focuses on Zelda Majora rsquo s Masks 3D Coronary heart Items places information that helps you discover the full of fifty two Coronary heart Items places

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